FAQS Frequently Asked Questions

General Investment Questions

1. What is stock?

A stock, also known as equity, is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing corporation. Units of stock are called "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the corporation's assets and profits equal to how much stock they own.

Stocks are bought and sold predominantly on stock exchanges and are the foundation of many individual investors' portfolios. Stock trades have to conform to government regulations meant to protect investors from fraudulent practices.

Companies sell stock to raise money to fund their business operations. Buying shares of stock gives you partial ownership of a company and lets you participate in its gains (and the losses). Some stocks also pay dividends, which are small regular payments of companies’ profits.

Because there are no guaranteed returns and individual companies may go out of business, stocks come with greater risk than some other investments.

Many stocks pay dividends, for example. Instead of buying and selling stocks, dividend investors hold stocks and profit from the dividend income.

Reg D Offering Questions

1. Why is the Reg D a Good Deal?

  • Discounted Share Price: By participating in the Reg D offering, investors have the opportunity to purchase shares at a discounted rate of 3 cents each.
  • Historical Share Price Trends: Historical data demonstrates that Big Screen Entertainment Group's (BSEG) share prices have historically been as high as 19 cents during certain company events such as film production phases or marketing expansions.
  • Anticipated Growth: With BSEG embarking on its most ambitious projects over the next 12 months, the company is expecting to continue its growth and create an entire new major revenue source through the Big Film Fund.
  • Leveraging Film Productions: BSEG's share price tends to correlate with the progress of its film productions, making it a strategic investment opportunity for those anticipating an upswing in share value.
  • Timing and Growth Potential: Given the company's current trajectory and upcoming initiatives, the Reg D offering presents a compelling investment prospect for those seeking substantial potential returns on their investment over the short to medium term.


1. How is the BIG FILM FUND CROWDFUNDING platform different to other film crowdfunding platforms?

  • Equity Ownership: Unlike many film crowdfunding platforms, our platform offers investors the opportunity to become actual owners in the film project they support, providing equity ownership in the project.
  • Financial Returns: Investors can earn dividends and royalties from the film's performance, turning their support into a tangible and potentially profitable investment.
  • Profit-Making Potential: Our crowdfunding approach focuses on the financial aspect, allowing investors to benefit from the film's success and generate returns on their investment.
  • Structured as a subsidiary of Big Screen Entertainment Group: The Big Film Fund operates with each film acting as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which provides legal and financial benefits to investors while ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Affordable Entry: We offer an accessible entry point, enabling anyone to become a producer on a movie with an investment as low as $100, democratizing the filmmaking process.
  • Comprehensive Rewards: In addition to financial benefits, our platform still offers enticing perks like film credits, premiere invitations, and the opportunity to interact with the cast and crew.
  • Alignment of Interests: The platform aligns the interests of investors with the film's success, making it a win-win scenario for both backers and filmmakers.
  • Unique Investment Opportunity: The Big Film Fund crowdfunding platform stands out by combining the excitement of filmmaking with a genuine financial investment opportunity, making it a one-of-a-kind experience for supporters.
  • Providing regular and comprehensive reports to investors to keep them informed about fund performance.

Movie Making Questions

1. What is your process for making a movie?

  • Project Selection: We begin by meticulously vetting potential film projects, assessing script quality, target audience, pre-sales opportunities, market viability, and potential tax incentives. Once we're confident in a project's potential, we proceed to establish the necessary legal structure, often launching an LLC dedicated to that film.
  • Package Project: With a greenlit project, we assemble a compelling package that includes a pitch deck, cast, crew, and filmmakers. This package is essential for attracting investors and ensuring the film's success.
  • Crowdfunding Campaign: We leverage our crowdfunding platform to launch the film and invite backers to participate in the project. This stage allows us to engage the audience and secure initial funding.
  • Production/Post Production: Once sufficient funding is secured, we move into the production and post-production phases. This involves filming, editing, special effects, and all other elements required to bring the project to life.
  • Distribution and Marketing: After completing the film, we focus on distribution, sales, and marketing efforts. This includes securing distribution deals, promoting the film to a wider audience, and ensuring maximum exposure.
  • Revenue Management: All revenue generated from the film flows back into the dedicated LLC for that project. Our dedicated controller manages the finances and ensures that dividends and royalties are distributed to investors in a timely manner.
  • Investor Returns: Investors start receiving returns on their investment in the form of dividends and royalties as the film begins to generate revenue.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: We continuously collect feedback from the audience and investors to assess the film's performance and make improvements in our future projects, ensuring a cycle of constant improvement and success.


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